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Build Your Next App With React Native And Express
Introduction (2:04)
Environment And Hello World
Installing Node (1:31)
Introduction To Node (8:26)
Introduction To NPM (6:53)
Introduction To Express (5:03)
Installing MongoDB (2:00)
Introduction To MongoDB (7:54)
Introduction To React Native
Important Note
Your First React Native Application (4:06)
React Native Styles (8:49)
(Syntax Highlighting Aside) (1:00)
React Native Components (3:58)
Component State (6:03)
Atom Snippets (2:52)
React Native Navigation (10:04)
Introduction To Redux
Introduction To Redux (Store) (7:56)
Introduction To Redux (Actions) (3:11)
Redux Counter (Store) (4:49)
Redux Counter (Actions) (3:37)
Redux To-Do List
Application Layout (10:39)
Creating And Deleting To-Do's (8:17)
Redux Persist (1:44)
Boilerplate (2:56)
Building An Authentication Server
Server Setup (4:54)
Signing Up (11:49)
Protecting Routes (7:11)
Signing In (6:26)
Boilerplate (2:03)
Online To-Do List: Authentication
Note on Redux-Form
Login View (6:42)
Login Form (7:08)
Login Flow (6:21)
Displaying Alerts (10:52)
Talking To Server (10:24)
Saving To Keychain (3:42)
Loading Indicator (2:59)
Online To-Do List: To-Do's
Application Layout (6:51)
Todo-List View (6:21)
Creating To-Do's (11:58)
New To-Do View (5:54)
Getting To-Do's (3:43)
Deleting To-Do's (7:26)
Deploying Your Backend
Deploying A MongoDB Database (5:30)
Deploying Server To Heroku (7:43)
Creating To-Do's
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